Changing Default Web Browser via a Software Package
Changing Default Web Browser via a Software Package. SRW/TK-KB29
In the event that you want to change the default browser to something else (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave) you will need to use it as a software package that can be found in our portal.
Once you download it, add it to your Management Console.
Please update the variables in the Install script tab based on the Web Browser Configuration below or from the ReadMe.txt in the software package zip file.
Web Browser Configuration
For Google Chrome:
$assoc1 = "http"
$assoc2 = "https"
$assoc3 = ".htm"
$assoc4 = ".html"
$progid = "ChromeHTML"
For Firefox:
$assoc1 = "http"
$assoc2 = "https"
$assoc3 = ".htm"
$assoc4 = ".html"
$progid = "FirefoxHTML"
For Opera:
$assoc1 = "http"
$assoc2 = "https"
$assoc3 = ".htm"
$assoc4 = ".html"
$progid = "OperaStable"
For Brave:
$assoc1 = "http"
$assoc2 = "https"
$assoc3 = ".htm"
$assoc4 = ".html"
$progid = "BraveHTML"
You can use the below script
PowerShell Script
##### ONLY UPDATE the below variables according to your browser #####
#Please review the ReadMe.txt for information on other web browser configuration
$browsername = "Google Chrome"
$assoc1 = "http"
$assoc2 = "https"
$assoc3 = ".htm"
$assoc4 = ".html"
$progid = "ChromeHTML"
$installer = "DefaultBrowser.tst"
$version = "1"
#Package Name for logs folder creation
$SWName = (Split-Path $installer -Leaf).Split('.')[0] + "_$version"
#Get Current Time/Date
$date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"
#Log File
$logname = "$env:SystemDrive\TST_Logs\$SWNAme\$SWName"+"_$date.txt"
Start-Transcript $logname
#Running process to set browser as default
if ( (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice\).ProgId -eq "ChromeHTML" )
Write-Host "$browsername already configured as default browser" -ForegroundColor Green
# Copy file to TEMP
Write-Host "Copying file to $env:TEMP" -ForegroundColor Green
Copy-Item SetUserFTA.exe -Destination $env:TEMP -Force
Write-Host "Setting $browsername as default browser" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Updating $assoc1 browser association to $browsername" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Process "$env:TEMP\SetUserFTA.exe" -ArgumentList "$assoc1 $progid" -Wait
Write-Host "Updating $assoc2 browser association to $browsername" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Process "$env:TEMP\SetUserFTA.exe" -ArgumentList "$assoc2 $progid" -Wait
Write-Host "Updating $assoc3 browser association to $browsername" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Process "$env:TEMP\SetUserFTA.exe" -ArgumentList "$assoc3 $progid" -Wait
Write-Host "Updating $assoc4 browser association to $browsername" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Process "$env:TEMP\SetUserFTA.exe" -ArgumentList "$assoc4 $progid" -Wait
#Remove leftovers
Write-Host "Removing leftovers" -ForegroundColor Green
Remove-Item "$env:TEMP\SetUserFTA.exe" -Force
Stop-Transcript it