PowerShell - Move devices into Disabled and Uninstalled folders using LastHeardFrom
Move devices into two different folders using LastHeardFrom.
Script Events:
- Creates one folder on the Thinscale server that disables devices, and one that uninstalls the SRW or TK software. The folders are created in the root of the Devices folder.
- discovers all devices that hadn't been reported to the server for more than 14 days
- exports the list of discovered devices and their details into a previously specified destination as txt file
- moves those devices into the Disabled folder
- discovers all devices in the Disabled folder that hadn't reported to the server for more than 30 days
- exports the list of discovered devices and their details into a previously specified destination as txt file
- moves those devices into the Uninstall folder
Log file examples:
$OriginalDest = (Get-TSTMGMTFolder -FolderName '\Devices\SRW').ObjectId #Target destination
$DisabledF = "\Devices\Disabled"
$UninstalledF = "\Devices\Uninstalled"
$LogDest = "C:\Temp\ThinScale" #Path to where the log files are saved with list of disabled and deleted machines
$dateDisable = (get-date).AddDays(-14) #specify date limit for disabling machines
$dateUninstall = (get-date).AddDays(-30) #specify date limit for removing machines
### connect to Mgmt Server
$creds = Get-Credential
Connect-TSTMGMTServer -Uri "https://thinscale.com/TSTMgmt" -Credentials $creds
### create Disabled device folder
New-TSTMGMTFolder -FolderName $DisabledF -DeviceState Disabled
### create Uninstall device folder
New-TSTMGMTFolder -FolderName $UninstalledF -DeviceState Uninstall
### move devices to Disabled folder
### discover devices: LastHeardFrom more than 14 days
$DevicesDisable = Get-TSTMGMTDevices | where {($_.LastHeardFrom -lt $dateDisable)}
### create logs in C:\Temp\ThinScale
New-Item -Path $LogDest -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
$log = $DevicesDisable | select DeviceName, LastUser, ObjectId, @{n='FolderName';e={(Get-TSTMGMTFolder -FolderId $_.FolderId).FolderName}}, ProductType, ProductVersion, @{n='ActiveProfile';
e={(Get-TSTMGMTProfile -ProfileId $_.ActiveProfileId).ProfileName}}, LastBootTime,LastHeardFrom,LastUsed
$log | ft | Out-File $LogDest/Disabled_$(get-date -Format dd-MM-yyyy--hh-mm).txt
### move devices
$DevicesDisable | Move-TSTMGMTObject -DestinationFolderName $DisabledF
### move Disabled devices to Uninstalled folder
### discover devices: LastHeardFrom more than 30 days
$DisabledFId = (Get-TSTMGMTFolder -FolderName $DisabledF).ObjectId
$DevicesUninstall = Get-TSTMGMTDevices | where {($_.LastHeardFrom -lt $dateUninstall) -and ($_.FolderId -eq $DisabledFId)}
### create logs in C:\Temp\ThinScale
New-Item -Path $LogDest -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
$log = $DevicesUninstall | select DeviceName, LastUser, ObjectId, @{n='FolderName';e={(Get-TSTMGMTFolder -FolderId $_.FolderId).FolderName}}, ProductType, ProductVersion, @{n='ActiveProfile';
e={(Get-TSTMGMTProfile -ProfileId $_.ActiveProfileId).ProfileName}}, LastBootTime,LastHeardFrom,LastUsed
$log | ft | Out-File $LogDest/Uninstalled_$(get-date -Format dd-MM-yyyy--hh-mm).txt
### move devices
$DevicesUninstall | Move-TSTMGMTObject -DestinationFolderName $UninstalledF