PowerShell - Export All Profile and Import All Profiles
Export All Profile and Import All Profiles
Import-Module ThinscaleManagement
Connect-TSTMGMTServer -uri "https//server/TSTMgmt" -username "Administrator" -password "xxxxxx"
$ProfileDirectory = "C:\Users\Usersname\Downloads\Test\"
$allData = Get-TSTMGMTAllData
<# Export all the profiles in a folder called test in downloads #>
foreach ($profile in $allData.Profiles)
$profileName = $profile.ProfileName
$productType = $profile.ProductType
Export-TSTMGMTProfile -File ( $ProfileDirectory + $profileName +"_"+ $productType + ".json") -Profile $profile
<# Import all the profiles from a folder called test in downloads into a folder called Import in the console #>
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem -Path $ProfileDirectory)
$indexOfProductTypeInString = $item.Name.LastIndexOf('_') + 1
$productType = $item.Name.SubString($indexOfProductTypeInString, $item.Name.Length - 5 - $indexOfProductTypeInString)
$profileJson = Import-TSTMGMTProfileObject -File $item.FullName -ProfileType $productType
New-TSTMGMTProfile -ProfileName ("\Profiles\Import\" + $item.Name.SubString(0, $indexOfProductTypeInString - 1)) -ProfileDescription "New Imported Profile" -RevisionNotes "Profile created" -ProfileType $productType -Profile $profileJson