Add a new site to the Management Platform.
Add a new site into the ManagementPlatform
‘Sites’ have been replaced by ‘Access Keys’ from versions 7.0 onwards. The new commandlets for those are Get-TSTMGMTAccessKey, Get-TSTMGMTAccessKeys, Set-TSTMGMTAccessKey and New-TSTMGMTAccessKey.
New-TSTMGMTSite -SiteName <string> -SiteDescription <string> -Username <string> -Password <string> [-ParentId <guid>] [-Force] [-Disabled] [-AllowAutoAdd] [-DefaultDeviceFolderId <guid>] [-DefaultDeviceFolderName <string>] [-ForceDeviceFolder] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>]
New-TSTMGMTSite -SiteName <string> -SiteDescription <string> -Username <string> -Password <string> -ParentFolder <Folder> [-ParentId <guid>] [-Disabled] [-AllowAutoAdd] [-DefaultDeviceFolderId <guid>] [-DefaultDeviceFolderName <string>] [-ForceDeviceFolder] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>]
Create a new site in the Management Platform. You can specify a fully qualified Site name a ParentFolder or a FolderId
1. Add a site to the Management Platform called "New Dev Site" with a default device folder of '\Devices\VDA'
New-TSTMGMTSite -SiteName "\Sites\New Dev Site" -AllowAutoAdd -Username "siteuser" -Password "sitepassword" -DefaultDeviceFolderName "\Devices\VDA" -SiteDescription "New development test site"
Fully qualified or relative name of the site to create
Type: | String |
Required: | Yes |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
Description of the site to create
Type: | String |
Required: | Yes |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
The site username
Type: | String |
Required: | Yes |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
The site Password
Type: | String |
Required: | Yes |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
Parent Folder object
Type: | ThinScale.Management.DataObjects.Folder |
Required: | Yes |
Accept Pipeline Input: | Yes |
The GUID of the folder the site is to be created in (only required if SiteName is not fully qualified)
Type: | Guid |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
The GUID of the folder devices will be added to if they do not exist when connecting via this site
Type: | Guid |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
The name of the folder devices will be added to if they do not exist when connecting via this site
Type: | String |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
Sets the site to disabled when created
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
Allows devices to be added if they do not exist when connecting via this site
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
If multiple DefaultDeviceFolders are found with the same name, the first retrieved will be used otherwise the call will fail
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
The interface ID returned by a previously successful call to Connect-TSTMGMTServer. This parameter is only required if you are connected to 2 or more Management Platform instances at the same time. If this parameter is not specified the connection to the last successful call to Connect-TSTMgmtServer will be used.
Type: | Guid |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
The time allowed in milliseconds for the call to complete before it is deemed to have timed out and is aborted
Type: | Int32 |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |
If the path for the new site does not exist then it will be created
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Required: | No |
Accept Pipeline Input: | No |