Get the role's details from the Management Platform.

Written by David

Last published at: August 20th, 2020

Get the role's details from the Management Platform



        [-RoleName <string>] [-RoleId <guid>] [-Force] [-Interface <guid>] [-Timeout <int>]


Get the role's details from the Management Platform. You can use a fully qualified RoleName or a RoleId


1. Retrieve the role 'HelpDesk' using RoleName

        Get-TSTMGMTRole -RoleName '\Roles\HelpDesk'

2. Retrieve the role using RoleId

        Get-TSTMGMTRole -RoleId 'BAA431E5-7778-48E9-9899-53811195B549'



A fully qualified name of the role

Type: String
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


The GUID of the role (only required if RoleName is not supplied)

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


If multiple objects are found with the same name, the first retrieved will be used otherwise the call will fail

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


The interface ID returned by a previously successful call to Connect-TSTMGMTServer. This parameter is only required if you are connected to 2 or more Management Platform instances at the same time. If this parameter is not specified the connection to the last successful call to Connect-TSTMgmtServer will be used.

Type: Guid
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No


The time allowed in milliseconds for the call to complete before it is deemed to have timed out and is aborted

Type: Int32
Required: No
Accept Pipeline Input: No



